
TPO 48 講義1(Art History:20th century photography in the USA)

from that time:あれ以来、それ以後
more of:~よりももっと
What was I thinking?:何考えていたんだろう(後悔)
be isolated from:~から分離される
hang on:~にすがりつく

What aspect of Georgia O’Keeffe’s work do the speakers mainly discuss?
D. The techniques that contributed to her distinctive style
But if they are talented, they take it in some unique direction to develop their own distinctive style.
O'Keeffe liked to create abstract interpretations of real objects.
So she presented a vision that people hadn't seen before. It's unique. It's compelling.
冒頭のSo today we are going to continue our discussion of ...やToday, we are going to look at...は今回の問題とは結果的に関係ありませんが、よく注意して聞いておくべき箇所。

According to the professor, what characteristics of Large Dark Red Leaves on White indicate that it could not be a photograph?
B. It is larger than most photographs of the time.
D. It included colors that could not have been reproduced in a photograph.
I mean chronologically that would be impossible.
When she did that painting, color film hadn't even been invented yet.
Neither had the right technology to blow pictures up that big to show that much detail.

According to the professor, what principles did Arthur Wesley Dow emphasize in his art classes?
A. Focusing on simple forms
C. Separating a form from its natural surroundings
That's DOW, D-O-W, who advocated focusing on simple basic forms, like the lines of a flower and its petals and he wanted forms to be isolated from their original settings.

In his discussion of O’Keeffe’s style, why does the professor describe Large Dark Red Leaves on White?
B. To give an example of an abstract interpretation of real objects
O'Keeffe liked to create abstract interpretations of real objects.
In the painting Jennifer mentioned,
Large Dark Red Leaves on White, in addition to exaggerating the size of the leaf, O'Keeffe juxtaposes it against a silver or whitish background.

According to the professor, what effect did O’Keeffe expect her paintings to have on viewers?
B. The paintings would make people see ordinary things in a new way.
But at least they'd be taking a careful look at something they'd never really paid much attention to.

Why does the professor say this:
C. To indicate that the student’s conclusion about O’Keeffe was not foolish
No, no. That's a really good observation.
I mean chronologically that would be impossible.

Georgia O'Keeffe

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