
TPO 48 会話1(get a new campus job)

employment office:就職課
Don't I remember:(私が覚えていないと思ってるの?)覚えてるよ;Don't I know it:そんなこと知ってるよ
organized:まめな;organized person:物事をきちんとする人
be not exactly sure:正確には分からない
be headed for:~に向かって進む
how come:どうして、なぜ
fill up:埋める、満たす
and all:〜など
plan to:~するつもりである
make money:お金を稼ぐ
a ton of :たくさんの
I was wondering if: ~なのでしょうか?
 or something:~とか何とか
I doubt:〜とは思わない
It's a long shot.:あまり期待できない
sort of thought:何となく〜と考えた
kind of:多少、ちょっと
sort of:多少、ちょっと
leave out:〜を除外する
it's like:〜のようだ
clean up:きれいにする、掃除をする
hang on:少し待って
seem like:~のように見える
it looks like:~のように見える
contact person:連絡窓口
check with:~に相談する

Why does the student go to the employment office?
C. To find out about getting an on-campus job
It was a great experience to learn how it works and meet some people working in the field.... that's what I wanted to ask about.

Why does the university employee seem surprised at the student’s request for on-campus jobs?
B. Because she expected him to apply earlier in the semester
how come you waited so long to come in?
...If you'd come in earlier, you could probably have gotten the library job again.

What does the student imply about the job he had at the library last year?
B. It did not pay as well as jobs in restaurants.
I really need to make more money than I did last year...
...there's always the tips.

Why does the student mention his friend Suzanne?
D. To explain why he thinks there is a job opening
...she sort of thought there might be an opening in the janitorial staff.
she says there's...uh...chemicals and stuff left out, and you know, it's like no one's been cleaning up.

What can be inferred about the woman when she says this:
C. She doubts the accuracy of the information.
why does your friend, the photography student, think she has information about...
I'm pretty sure those jobs are filled. In fact,...

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